Step 1
Configure your Link tool
Go to “My Links”
Click to +
Step 2
Insert a Name for the public
Insert your Link: expl. “”
Join an icon to your link!
Step 3
Insert a Name for the public
Insert your Link: expl. “”
Join an icon to your link!
View the Link tool directly in your in2see ads on the WWCB World Wide Contact Book
Step 1
Configure your Appointment and reservation tool
Give a specific name to your Appointment typ
Step 2
Choose the typ you want to insert. you can insert more then one and no limited. Create a type for your different evants
Request type
Request is if you want to receive a simply request for an appointment and you can reply manually by suggesting an appointment.
This art of apointment is used by professionals he dont can fixed a correctly time for an appointment. Medicale Surgeon, Orthodentiste, …
One to One Type
One to One to define a fixe time and date for en appointment an with a duration fixed. This Typ is for all Professionals he want to have a regularized process of appointments. This Type can be accord on Manualy or automatcally over the in2see gate.
This art of apointment is used by professionals he want appontments. Medicale General Praktitenar, Loawyer, Garages …
Many to One type
Many to One to define a fixe time and date for en appointment an without a fix duration. This Typ is for all Professionals he want to view more then one person on a same timeslot. This Type can be accord on Manualy or automatcally over the in2see gate.
This art of appointment is used by professionals he want appointments. Event maneger, Restaurant, Hotels,….
All appointments/reservations when there are taked receive automatically a confirmation of appointment/reservation.
All of our schedulers can be used around the clock and appointments are also time-independent.
Request information
For all typ of appointments you can choose the data you will receive for your business from your Visitors Basically you can order name Adresse Phone numbers and emails, or you can create your specific requests.
To improve the quality of your appointments, you can create specific scenarios to only serve the users who fall into your ideal.
Scenarios can be created freely and offer you the opportunity to test them immediately before Strat. Create the questions you would ask in normal operation and provide options for answers. Control your users and filter out the ones you want or who suit you best.
Sell appointments. Switch on your prepaid and request the fixed costs for your appointment when you order. This can help you avoid having to make an individual bill after an appointment. The user pays the money requested by you before the appointment is made. If the appointment is changed, the fee remains the same and will be used for a new appointment. If the appointment is canceled within the time specified by you, the user will receive their money back. If the appointment is canceled outside the time specified by you, you will be credited with the fee
Modifiy/Cancel and Message to send to your visitor
All appointement was reminded x time befor the take place of your visitor. You can choose how many time you need to accord. Also you can join your personlised massage to your visitor
All visitor can modify here appointment x hours befor take place. You can choose how many time you need to accord. Also you can join your personlised massage to your visitor
All visitor can cancel here appointment x hours befor take place. You can choose how many time you need to accord. Also you can join your personlised massage to your visitor
Step 3
The first scheduler
you can use your one scheduler for all your appointments, or if you want to organised more scheduler you can create also scheduler you need.
Give a specific name to your Scheduler
Intern if you accord interne the costumer from internet dont can have access, if you live free everybody can book here appointment reservation over internet WWCB.
Color, If you have more then one scheduler a colors is more simple to detect different scheduler.
Insert a description of yourself, your employees or if your department where the the costumer take the appointment, or wehre he make an reservation
More that one Scheduler
you can join more that one scheduler and user the same typs you have allways create or you can create more typs for more schedulers. All is Permite. All Scheduler is sale seperatetly. All scheduler have a maximum of 144 ont to one typ appointments day. For all other typs you dont have a maximum of appointments. These 144 maximum one-to-one appointments are created using the following calculation. Min time / appointment = 10min (24 hours * 60 minutes = 1440 min/day / 10 minutes (min/appointment) = 144 appointments / 24 hours Of course, your appointments can last longer than 10 minutes per appointment, then you have to adapt the maximum number of appointments to your needs.
More schedulers to better orgnised your workflowower to a multi ressources scheduler
If you use more that one scheduler, you can see your appointments/reservations over a multi ressources view.
You can assign schedulers to people, departments,… You also have the option of creating personalized schedulers to print out more details.
You can assign schedulers to people, departments,… You also have the option of creating personalized schedulers to print out more details.
We have integrated our gallery tool specifically for our many to one users so that these users can go beyond a normal appointment. For example, use the gallery to create your tables, seats, bedrooms… and add them to your scheduling type and allow your guests to reserve or book their favorite table, seat, or bedroom immediately.
In the many to one type you can arrange whether you only want one guest’s data or whether they have to provide you with data for all reserved places. If everyone is selected, individual people can also be contacted and they can also cancel individually. This means that group leaders can be managed and errors are reduced.
Over the appointment & reservation tool incloud your gallerie and offer them to your costumers.
If you have finish your scheduler, you can adopt a plan to paid and your appointments are directly visible for everybody!
All your data are availeble 24/24 hours & 7/7 days. You can modify or chage all your data everytime. All datas you request is your data. please use this properly!
Step 1
Insert your products, servcies
Give a specific name to your Gallerie
Add a new Product / Service/ Event an complete your data request. You can insert photos, video links, if you want to sell, rent or share you can also according the view on the WWCB directly under your free Ads.
Select a categorie and a filter to join
The Variantes incloud expl. a service in combinition with a product, or a product in combinition with a service.
Step 1
Step 1
Open your HRM tool here you can create your needs on click on + for needs you want to plan or you want to send to your partner to plan here employees to your needs.
To create your need please insert a name of this need. Select a periode from to this needs are requests.
If all week have the same request you only create one week. If you have different requests you create different weeks with different plans.
You can also add more periods if you wantIf you have needs until the legal holidays, you can insert them to your need planning.
If you have needs until the legal holidays, you can insert them to your need planning.
Safe your need.
Befor you can send your need to a Partner please insert the partner in your contacts.
You can also plan your need now yourself.
On the planning you can work with your needs or with needs you have receive from a partner Edit the need